Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackson !!!

Happy Birthday Baby Jackson. He made his arrival early and consequently spent his first two days in N.B.I.C.U. He had a good birth weight which I suspect is why he stayed for such a short time. He was initailly on CPAP to help him breathe, but quickly transitioned off. The nurses on the unit called him "Tank" in reference to his size as compared to the rest of the babies. He was able to leave the hospital with me after four days. He had to first conquer one more hurdle and pass his carseat study. Thankfully he passed with flying colors. Now our real journey begins.

Ready or Not !!!

I guess my Easter present is going to come early. Jackson's due date was April 23rd. He decided to come March 12th. I was only 35 weeks. I was terribly scared, not only for the pain that was sure to come, but because he was early. My labor lasted 26 hours.
y decided to slow down my progress after 4-5 cm. He tolerated most of the labor well, but eventually got tried and i required a amnioinfusion. He arrived on the morning of March 12th at 00:49. He amazingly weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce 5 weeks early. He was 19 1/2 inches long. He had apgars of 6,7,7. He was taken to the N.B.I.C.U. right after birth due to some respiratory distress.