Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bi-polar Baby

These were taken for his 5 month pictures. He went from happy and smiles to tears and to smiles again in a matter of minutes. He weighs about 18 pounds and is 25 inches long.
His favorite past time is to stand on my lap and try to bite off my fingers. I fear the day he gets teeth.

First Day of school !!!!

Taylor's first of 3rd grade. She continues to attend Mountainville Academy. Every year she has a themed back pack and supplies. This year I decided I would surprise her, however, she found the stuff hidden under the bed. So much for that surprise. She was more nervous than she had evee been before. I had to walk her not only to her room, but into the actual room and to her desk. She now loves it and is doing well. She started basic pre-algebra. I was shocked. It won't take long before she is smarter than me.

My new Bumbo

This is Jackson's new favorite toy. He loves to sit and watch the world around him. He hates this toy because it stays on the tray. He pulls and pulls with all his might but can not break it free.