Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mommy's monster

I have recently discovered that I may have created a monster even my step mom states that I won't be able to leave him with anyone anymore. I was so happy to have him here, that I rarely put him down (EVER!!!). He even slept on my chest. We have been working on everyone starting the night in their own beds. Taylor can have a problem with this too. We go thru our entire routine including a lotion massage, but he will scream until the break of dawn. I am having trouble letting him cry himself to sleep. I feel like I am losing the battle and my mind.

1 comment:

maxfamclan said...

You can't ever regret time spent with our kids. Especially since those are the most fleeting moments. Eventually they all grow up! I think he's a cute monster. I don't blame you.