Friday, January 30, 2009

Let them eat cake !!!

I am very thankful that I have such wonderful friends at work, otherwise I would go postal at work and Taylor would never manage to get a Birthday cake. Michele my friend at work offered to make Taylor a Teddy Bear cake this year as she had a Build-a-Bear party. Taylor's Granny flew in and we celebrated her belated birthday with Granny by eating her hand-made bear cake and spending her Build-a-Bear gift card that her Granny gave her. Jackson loved the cake. He would have eaten the entire thing if I let him. Taylor got the first bite and the poor bear lost his ear. Before we were done the bear became decapitated, What a strange way to enjoy cake. People ate the food court asked were they could buy a cake like that, and I proudly said that it was a hand-made one of a kind. Thanks Michele so very, very much. You saved the day.


The Kleins said...

Very nice cake. I'm so impressed! How does she find the time?? Looks like you had a great time and Taylor felt very special.

maxfamclan said...

That is awesome! What a fun night! It is strange that our kids always bite heads off of things first...vitamins, gummy things, peeps, etc. And yet, I think I do the same thing! Glad she had a great birthday super mom.

Heather-joy said...

Michele is seriously the ultimate super-mom. 10 kids, works full time--graveyards, and still manages to make cute cakes. One day I'm going to be asking all of you mom's how you do it, because I barely function and I only have Scout to take care of.

maxfamclan said...

Hey you! What happened to you on the schedule! I am so sad!